sâmbătă, 27 octombrie 2012

Knowledge, skills and acquired competences

Planned dates of beginning and ending the placement period : 18.03 – 31.03.2012
The practice stage was part of the module “Managing reagents and wastes” in XII – th grade, level 3, for the qualification “Chemistry laboratory technician”.
- Knowledge about danger categories of chemical reagents;health and security working norms to prepare reagents for analyses;storing the reagents in proper places;dosing the necessary amounts of reagents to perform physical and chemical analyses;methods of minimising the losses in the technological process;exploiting and maintaining the installations in conditions of full safety to reduce losses; classifying the wastes resulted in the lab activity from the point of view of: toxicity, aggregation state,chemical nature;containers collecting the wastes resulted in the lab; storing and destroying the reagents residua and the wastes resulted in the lab activity; 
- Abilities:
  • Identifying the reagents used in physical and chemical analyses labs;
  • Watching the chemical reagents storing methods
  • Identifying the wastes resulted in the lab activity;
  • Watching the collecting and storing methods of the wastes resulted in the lab;
  • Optimizing the chemical reagents use;
The training agreement was structured on the Competence Unit “Managing reagents and wastes” ,weekly practice( Annex 2 at OMEdC no. 3172/30.01.2006), Natural resources and Environmental Protection profile, Chemistry Lab Technician qualification, XII – th grade. The module structure contains the specialized technical competence unit “Managing reagents and wastes” which is formed of the following individual competences:
  • Monitoring the reagents regime in the lab sector
  • Monitoring the wastes regime in the lab sector.

joi, 25 octombrie 2012

Plata soldului si certificatele Europass Mobility

Astazi 26 oct.2012,  va rog sa veniti la ora 13.30 la Biroul pentru programe comunitare! Veti primi soldul si certificatele Europass Mobility si de participare la proiect. 

miercuri, 21 martie 2012

Imagini instruire practica - Grupa I BKU

In primele zile ale saptamanii grupa I a efectuat lucrarile practice necesare pentru obtinerea sapunului din uleiuri vegetale uzate utilizate in laborator.

Mobility Training Programme

Am ajuns in Krefeld - Germania, vineri 16.03.2012 in jurul orei 18.30 dupa o placuta calatorie cu avionul.
Sambata si Duminica am avut program cultural: orasul Krefeld, orasul Koln - Catedrala, Muzeul Ciocolatei , Primaria, orasul vechi.
Luni 19.03. - prima zi din programul de lucru. Dupa primirea oficiala de la Berufskolleg Uerdingen, participantii au fost impartiti in doua grupe: 7 din clasa XII a B au plecat la Bayer Uerdingen unde efectueaza o saptamana de practica in centrul de instruire Currenta iar cealalta grupa - 6 elevi din clasa a XII a B au ramas la Berufskolleg Uerdingen pentru a efectua practica in laboratorul chimic.
Din ceea ce am auzit si am vazut pana acum , participantii sunt foarte implicati in activitati, lucreaza foarte bine impreuna cu cei 3 practicanti germani si sunt indrumati cu profesionalism si eficient de profesorii germani si de mentorii romani care insotesc elevii la practica. Speram sa indeplinim integral obiectivele proiectului si de ce nu....chiar sa realizam si activitati noi fata de cele prevazute in progamul inital.
Vom reveni cu imagini si informatii. Succes tuturor!